We here at Portland Fellowship are glad the Lord has led you to this site. Our desire is to offer resources that proclaim God’s power to transform lives, and give hope to family and friends with loved ones who have embraced an LGBTQ identity.
We developed PFHOPE.com as a way for you to find insight and encouragement as you tackle this personal (and often painful) topic.
PFHope includes video teachings and testimonies created by those who have been in situations similar to yours, so that you can glean from those with insight, experience and hope.
The Hope Group Online series is presented and taught by Portland Fellowship. We took our in-House Hope Group program and created this online series for family and friends with same-sex attracted and gender-confused loved ones seeking to balance truth with grace.
The Help4Families series is presented and taught by a wonderful ministry that specializes in transgender issues.
And finally, we offer an 8-week series called "The Journey: From Captivity to Freedom" for men and women seeking to walk out of an
LGBTQ identity and pursue all that God has for them.
These programs are contribution-based rather than having a set fee. You will have the opportunity to choose how much you want to donate
after you register. All generous contributions go to further the ministry work of Portland Fellowship and are greatly appreciated.
Our prayer is that you find understanding, compassion, direction, and hope as you journey through the lessons found in these video series
and studies.
May the Lord give you peace in Him today.
Jason Thompson

Executive Director